Tuesday, 31 December 2013

92% of New Years Resolutions Fail and 55% of Americans Dont Even Try; Learn The Hidden Quantum Principle That Makes Most People Fail, But Can Help You Succeed

Sherman Oaks, CA (PRWEB) December 31, 2013

Millions of people want to lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking, manage stress, find more love and improve their lives, but the Journal of Clinical Psychology reports that 55% of Americans don’t even bother making New Year’s resolutions, and 92% of the resolutions that are made ultimately fail.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg… Everyone knows 95% of diets fail, but most don't know that over 95% of 12 step programs fail, 95% of people wanting financial independence fail, 95% of people who watched the "Secret" and tried all the self-help programs fail and are still struggling, frustrated and buying the next book or program.

There is something really wrong with this picture! If a computer failed 95% of the time it would be fixed or replaced. If an airline failed 95% of the time it would go out of business… but in health, psychology and personal growth the same old Diets, Therapy, Medication, Stress Management, Meditation, New Year’s Resolutions, Being in the Moment and Positive Thinking fails over 95% of the time, but doctors, therapists, mothers, trainers, gurus, and the thousands of self-help books and articles keep promoting the same ideas.

Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is: Doing the same things and expecting a different result! And the tragedy of this is every time someone tries and fails again with this old advice, they wind up feeling worse about themselves.

There has to be a better way, and there is. About 33 years ago Ti Caine C.H.T., a Hypnotherapist, Healer, Futurist, Author and Life Coach learned a "hidden" metaphysical concept from a being named Lazaris, and this concept turns psychology on its head, changes the paradigm of how we think reality works and it explains all those failures.

Quantum physics proves that everything is made of energy, and that beliefs direct the energy to produce reality, but there is another truth that has never been widely exposed before, and that is:


Stephen Covey in "The Seven Habits" found that highly effective people "Begin with the end in mind!" This makes sense and changes everything… Religion and Psychology look mostly at the past, and New Thought practices are all about "Being in the Now", but that's like driving a car while focusing on the rear view mirror!

"The Future Creates The Present" shows that without working on the long range future then everything else is just "Re-arranging The Deck Chairs on the Titanic!"

Ti has studied people and their relationship with the future for over 30 years and he is the only therapist in the world that has developed an entire psychological model based on the power of the future. In developing the FutureVisioning™ Process (http://www.futurevisioning.com) Ti has worked with thousands of people and found that over 95% of them were programmed since childhood to believe their future would be difficult and painful. This is the fatal flaw. No wonder therapy, healing and all those growth processes rarely work.

Especially in the area of weight loss, studies show that overweight people, from childhood on, see themselves in their imagination and in their future as being fat, and even if they lose weight, it takes up to 18 months of being thin before they can imagine themselves being thin. The FutureVisioning™ Process turns this around and helps people create a vision of the future where they are thin, BEFORE starting any weight loss or exercise program.

Ti helps individuals, couples, executives and organizations to design an inspiring future and then takes them on a visualization to actually step into that awesome future to meet their healthy, thin and happy future self. Then their New Year’s resolutions or their goals can happen rather easily, because every day they are stepping into a bright and familiar future.

So the most empowering exercise anyone can do is to go to http://www.futurevisioning.com/newyears.html and get the Free FutureVisioning™ Worksheets that help you design an ideal long-term future, a Free 3 minute FutureVisioning™ meditation, and Ti's new ebook "From Agony to Ecstasy" which was co-written with Valerie Lemme who transformed her relationship, her body and her healing practice through FutureVisioning™.

As individuals, couples, and organizations learn to create healthy, happy and successful futures, the whole world will become a better place!

Ti Caine is a Hypnotherapist, Healer, Futurist, Author, Speaker, Life Coach and creator of the FutureVisioning™ Process. For totally unique personal and executive coaching, key notes and trainings he can be reached at:

Phone 818-995-0011    Email: ti(at)futurevisioning(dot)com     Web Site: http://www.futurevisioning.com

His work has been featured in Psychology Today, and "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom," by Dr. Christiane Northrup M.D., an emook called “The Goddess Cure” which is a true story that shows how to heal PMS, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Breast Cancer and all “female” illnesses and the ebook "From Agony to Ecstasy" about Valerie's life transformation.

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